Case Study - Biodiversity Net Gain in practice
Middlemarch Environmental Ltd, a Wildlife Trust Consultancy member helped a property developer understand the Biodiversity requirements attached to planning consent.
A property developer was required by the local planning authority, through conditions attached to their consent, to achieve an uplift in biodiversity of 0.23 units either on the development site itself, offsite, or by combining both schemes to compensate for the loss incurred through the development. The client agreed to plant a new coppice at a natural burial ground located 2.8 miles to the west from the development site.
Middlemarch Environmental Ltd undertook a walkover survey assessment of the proposed offset location. To deliver the required biodiversity gain on the offset area a Biodiversity Enhancement and Management Plan (BEMP) was produced which included arrangements to secure delivery of the offsetting measures, appropriate management and monitoring.
Tree planting over an area of about 900m2 would achieve the required 0.23 biodiversity units as well as meeting burial ground requirements.
Approximately 100 new broadleaved native trees would be planted in two coppices at the burial ground and in an adjacent field. A Biodiversity Landscape Planting Plan was produced by Middlemarch Environmental to illustrate the proposal.
The Local Planning Authority formally accepted the proposals for off-site mitigation, thereby allowing the planning condition to be discharged.

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