Protected Species Surveys and Mitigation

A number of native species are protected by law, making it illegal to kill or disturb a protected species or damage its habitat.

Our experienced and licensed team of ecologists offer the complete range of ecological surveys to identify potential for or presence of protected species and we help our clients find practical and proportional mitigation measures.

We have extensive experience of the following species:

  • Badgers
  • Bats 
  • Dormice 
  • Great crested newts 
  • Nesting birds 
  • Reptiles 
  • Otter 
  • Water voles 
  • White-clawed crayfish

More information on our Protective Species Services

Our specialist staff are qualified to apply for and administer European Protected Species Licences from Natural England/Natural Resources Wales.

Initial Steps

The initial step is to set the baseline; basic site survey information, gathered through a desk study of existing information and a Phase 1 habitat survey, undertaken to a set methodology. The surveyor will also assess the site for its potential to support protected species.

Further Surveys

There may be recommendations to undertake further surveys for species such as bats, great crested newts, badgers, birds, reptiles etc. These species are protected by law and therefore the developer has a legal duty to be fully aware of them and to make arrangements for any special measures to protect them and enhance their habitat. In complex cases where a European Protected Species Licence is required, we will also apply to Natural England/Natural Resources Wales for this on your behalf, undertaking the necessary work to achieve it.